Untamed Lands Session #1 - and Divine vs. Occult Magic
My Untamed Lands campaign - a bronze age, near-eastern inspired spin on Keep on the Borderlands - is officially underway. Our first proper session was a blast, and my first time running a hexcrawl since I was a kid. It was a lot of prep starting out, but wound up being fun to do. This campaign has also offered me an opportunity to put into practice some thoughts I've had for years about how to better differentiate divine and arcane (or as I like to call, it, occult) magic. Our first session happened to put these issues right on the forefront. Session 1: A Deal With the Dust Witch 10th of Hadad - 12th of Hadad , Year 619 (After the Flood) After their first, violent introduction to the region in Session 0 , the party entered the Olamite outpost - only to find right at the entrance, hanging from a low tree - was the rotting corpse of a naked man with the the symbol of a sorcerer branded onto his forehead. The followers of Ninta do not tolerate dark magic, it seems. Luc...